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Meeting people

A: Hallo i don't think we have met my name's Anan
S: Nice to meet you i am sholeh
S: Are you enjoying the conference?
A: Yes its very interesting
S: So, Whats your company do you work for?
A: My company is Garena coorperation as developer game,
How about you?
S: My company is Facebook and as content developer
A: Please to meet you Mr Sholeh
S: Nice to meet too

Make Appointment

A:By the way how about you if i and you work together
S: Of course why not?
A: Okay i would make an appointment with you?
S: Yes when?
A: How about next week?
S: Sorry i am  meeting with another client, how about next week the day after tomorrow?
A: Okay what time is it?
S: 8am
A: Sorry i can't 8 till 12 I have to meeting with my client, how about 2pm?
S: Im sorry i have appointment with my uncle, how about 7pm?
A: Okay no problem at  the hotel mulya right?
S: Okay i will call you later.

Reschedule Appointment

S: Hallo this is Mr Anan from Garena cooperation?
A: Yes this Anan why Mr Sholeh?
S: I have appointment with you right?
A: Yes, why Mr Sholeh?
S: Sorry Mr Anan, I wouly changed the appointment with you?
A: Oh, okay no problem when?
S: How about next week?
A: Okay what's time is it?
S: As usual at 7 pm
A: In hotel mulya right?
S: Yes

Business Activities 

A: Good morning thanks for coming Mr Sholeh
S: Good morning Mr Anan
A: Our company is very pleased with the appreciation from your company, and we are company will offer publish my games to your website
S: What the game is good?
A: Sure, My game is good and played a lot
S: What is the advantage for my company?
A: A lot your website can be downloaded by many people
S: We aggre your offering my company, and we thank you for your company, hopefully this can strength the coorperation
A: Okay please to meet you mr sholeh, I hope we can work together and succes.


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